The recommended way to deploy and manage Overleaf Server CE and Server Pro instances is via the use of the Toolkit.
The Toolkit simplifies the creation of your Overleaf instance through the use of some custom scripts that abstract away the orchestration of required microservices. Simply run the bundled initialization script, provide a few configuration options like your persistent storage paths, and the Toolkit will take care of provisioning and connecting the microservices that make up your Overleaf Server CE or Server Pro instance.
This leaves you free to focus on customizing the user experience and implementing the specific features that make up your on-premise instance. The Toolkit handles all the complexity behind the scenes, enabling a simplified deployment of your Overleaf instance.
For legacy reasons, the main Overleaf container is called sharelatex
, and is based on the sharelatex/sharelatex
Docker image. This is because the technology is based on the ShareLaTeX code base, which was merged into Overleaf. See this blog post for more details. At some point in the future, this will be renamed to match the Overleaf naming scheme.
Inside the Overleaf container, the software runs as a set of microservices, managed by runit
. Some of the more interesting files inside the container are:
: initialization files for the microservices./var/log/overleaf/
: logs for each microservice./overleaf/services/
: code for the various microservices./var/lib/overleaf/
: the mount-point for persistent data (corresponds to the directory indicated byOVERLEAF_DATA_PATH
on the host).
The MongoDB and Redis Containers
Overleaf depends on two external databases: MongoDB and Redis. By default, the Toolkit will provision a container for each of these databases, in addition to the Overleaf container, for a total of three Docker containers.
If you would prefer to connect to an existing MongoDB or Redis instance, you can do so by setting the appropriate settings in the overleaf.rc configuration file.
Editor and compile process
In this section we'll provide a broad overview for the handling of documents and the compile process.
This page describes the compile process with Sandboxed Compiles as available in Server Pro only. In Server CE, the compile process uses simple sub-processes -- replace the items referencing a container with a single item run compile in sub-process.
A user of the application
The client application running in the browser
The micro service used for compiling PDFs
The micro service used for processing document updates
The micro service handling binary files
The micro service used for handling web sockets
The (not so) micro service used for handling API requests
Redis caching
user: loads editor page
editor: opens web socket
editor: sends request to open a document via web socket
real-time -> document-updater: document is loaded from MongoDB into Redis
editor: sends document update via web socket
real-time -> document-updater: document is updated in Redis
editor: sends more compile requests
After 5 minutes have passed since last flush (per doc):
document-updater: flush doc from Redis to MongoDB
editor: sends more updates
every 100 updates (per doc):
document-updater: flush doc history from Redis to MongoDB
user: leaves the editor/closes browser tab
5 minutes later
real-time: checks for other collaborators, if there are none:
real-time -> document-updater: flushes docs from Redis to MongoDB
Reading from MongoDB into Redis
document-updater -> web -> docstore: read from MongoDB
Flushing from Redis into MongoDB
document-updater -> web -> docstore: write into MongoDB
Compile - "full" sync-mode
editor: sends compile request with sync-mode set to "full" compile
web -> document-updater: any documents are flushed from redis into MongoDB
web -> docstore: all documents are downloaded from MongoDB
web -> clsi: compile request is sent to clsi, including:
the sync-mode
a hash of the file tree -> the "project state"
all docs with their content -> subject to 7MB request body limit
binary file URLs for separate downloading
clsi: check on-disk state with sync-mode and "project state"
this is a full sync, so we can ignore what was previously written
clsi: cleanup compile dir
clsi: write all docs into compile dir
clsi: write all binary files into compile dir
clsi copies the files from a per project local cache
on cache miss:
clsi->filestore: download files
clsi: write the "project state"
clsi: ensure docker container exists with desired config
build container options, includes texlive version
hash options
container name:
clsi: start container and stream stdout/stderr into memory -> limit 2MB
clsi: leave stopped container behind -> cleaned up after 24h
clsi: write stdout/stderr to disk
clsi: copy output files into unique output directory
build-id composed of 8 random bytes plus timestamp in ms precision
delete all but last 3 (anonymous)/ 1 (logged in user) build folders
clsi: compile was failure/timeout
delete compile cache - it may have partial files/corrupted cache
editor: downloads output.log and output.pdf
Compile - "incremental" sync-mode
editor: sends compile request with sync-mode set to "incremental" compile
web -> document-updater: get any documents from redis
the "project state" hash is also stored in redis
web sends the hash of the file tree to document-updater and document-updater can turn the incremental compile into a full compile on mismatch
see compile process as performed when 'editor requested "full" compile'
web -> clsi: compile request is sent to clsi, including:
the sync-mode
a hash of the file tree -> the "project state"
all docs from redis with their content -> subject to 7MB request body limit
no binary fines
clsi: check on-disk state with sync-mode and "project state"
this is an incremental sync, so the "project state" must match
on mismatch: respond with 409, let web retry with "full" sync
see compile process as performed when 'editor requested "full" compile'
clsi: write updated docs into compile dir
clsi: ensure docker container exists with desired config
build container options, includes texlive version
hash options
container name:
clsi: start container and stream stdout/stderr into memory -> limit 2MB
clsi: leave stopped container behind -> cleaned up after 24h
clsi: write stdout/stderr to disk
clsi: copy output files into unique output directory
build-id composed of 8 random bytes plus timestamp in ms precision
delete all but last 3 (anonymous)/ 1 (logged in user) build folders
clsi: compile was failure/timeout
delete compile cache - it may have partial files/corrupted cache
editor: downloads output.log and output.pdf
Compile - switching between modes
editor: observes a compile failure, next compile is a "full" compile
editor: observes a compile success, next compile is an "incremental" compile
Last updated
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