Your Admin Hub
Subscription managers can check on recent enrolment data in the Admin Hub, and download a list of current users who are enrolled in the subscription.
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Subscription managers can check on recent enrolment data in the Admin Hub, and download a list of current users who are enrolled in the subscription.
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Your Admin Hub displays data about users at your institution and their usage of Overleaf. Managers of the subscription can view the Admin Hub and metrics, and can invite other users to be managers. To access all these features, visit your subscription page and click through the View Admin Hub option.
The Admin Hub allows subscription managers to download a user list file (users.csv) that provides useful information about users that are currently affiliated with the institution and who are participating in the Overleaf Commons subscription.
To download a list of users, click the Download CSV link at the bottom of the page:
The users.csv file has several columns which are explained in the following sections.
Unique ID of the user.
You may notice that some user IDs appear twice in this list. This is because this list is a list of email addresses, rather than users -- therefore, users who have added more than 1 institutional email address are included more than once in the list.
We refer to it as the list of users for simplicity, but please keep in mind that there may be some duplicates.
The institutional email address of the user. They may have other email addresses on their account, for example, personal ones; these will not appear in this file.
The role the user has chosen on their Account Settings page. Users can select a role from a default list, or enter their own.
The department the user has chosen on their Account Settings page. They can select a department from a default list or from a department list provided to us during onboarding, or enter their own if they wish.
This is the date the user registered for their Overleaf account.
This is the date they last logged in to Overleaf. Because Overleaf has five-day rolling sessions, very active users who access the service frequently from the same device may not need to log in often. Compare this value with last_active_at if you are evaluating the Overleaf usage of a particular user.
This states whether the user is entitled to and participates in the institutional subscription.
For institutions without SSO enabled, all users in the CSV list are eligible for the subscription, and therefore all have a value of TRUE in this column.
For institutions with SSO enabled, the user list may have users with either FALSE or TRUE values.
Users listed as license FALSE will include:
Users who added their institutional email address but never linked their account via SSO. Some of these could be active but not yet linked, and others may be users who have left the institution.
Users who have linked their account via SSO but are not eligible to participate in the subscription, usually because the subscription is restricted to certain departments or schools.
Users who are showing as FALSE may be on an individual subscription, a group subscription, or the free plan.
Note that if users have multiple email addresses at the institution and use them in their Overleaf account, they can only link one email via SSO. Therefore, because this is a list of email addresses rather than user accounts, you will see their other email address(es) in this list, and since these do not entitle them to the subscription, they would have a value of FALSE.
Users listed as license TRUE will be users who have linked their account via SSO and are eligible for and participating in the subscription.
If SSO is enabled, this is the user's SSO identifier. This is a unique, persistent, and non-reassignable identifier that is sent to Overleaf for each user when they log in, and is used by Overleaf to look up the user account. This attribute may correspond to a particular field in your identity system, but this is opaque to Overleaf (our system is unaware of the meaning of the identifier that is sent). The field sent to Overleaf was decided in consultation with your IT services team when the subscription was set up, and it cannot be changed.
This is the date the user last opened a project in Overleaf.